•The Decennial Census - a survey of population and housing
•The Economic Census - a survey of almost all business activity in industries and communities at the national, state, county, and metropolitan levels conducted every 5 years ending in 2 and 7
•The American Community Survey - an annual survey of three million households
This report is produced eight times a year and contains information compiled by the twelve regional Federal Reserve banks. It provides information on current economic conditions in each district. *There is a link to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis for data back to 1970.*
Economic accounts data (GDP, personal income, corporate profits, balance of payments, trade, investment, and annual industry accounts). Data are available for U.S. states, Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and U.S. regions.
Data on Inflation & prices, pay & benefits, spending & time use, unemployment & employment, workplace injuries, productivity, employment projections, and more. Data are available at national, regional, and state levels, and for many metropolitan services areas.
Historical statistics on the social, political, and economic aspects of the United States, including population, work and welfare, economic structure and performance, economic sectors, and governance and international relations. Includes census data. Users can create custom tables and merge columns from multiple tables to create custom tables, which can also be downloaded, printed, or graphed.
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Most current guide to the American job market. Written by the U.S. Department of Labor, the Handbook is designed to provide valuable, up-to-date assistance to individuals making decisions about their futures.
Current and historical U.S. census data and demographic information from 1790 to present. Topics vary from census to census. Includes The Decennial Census - a survey of population and housing; The American Community Survey - an annual survey of three million households.
Statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the U.S. *This database covers mostly 1970 to present and supersedes the U.S. government version, issued annually from 1878 to 2012 and available at:http://www.census.gov/library/publications/time-series/statistical_abstracts.html*
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• US Federal statistical publications (also known as American Statistics Index or ASI) - coverage from 1973; full text from 2004.
• State government and business statistical reports (also known as Statistical Reference Index or SRI) - coverage from 1980, full-text from 2007.
• International statistical publications (also known as Index to International Statistics or IIS) - includes UN, OECD, and EU; coverage from 1980; full text from 2007.
Links to U.S. government information by level of government and by subject. *Vanderbilt is a selective depository for federal government publications since 1884, United Nations publications since 1946, and Food and Agriculture publications since 1948.*
"Issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Budget of the United States Government is a collection of documents that contains the budget message of the President, information about the President's budget proposals for a given fiscal year, and other budgetary publications that have been issued throughout the fiscal year...."
*Older data available from 1923 at: http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/publication/?pid=54
"The Economic Report of the President is an annual report written by the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. It overviews the nation's economic progress using text and extensive data appendices...." *Older data available from 1947 at: http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/publication/?pid=45
Since 1969, The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of what U.S. students know and can do in mathematics, reading, science, and writing. Results are released in the "The Nation's Report Card" for the nation, states, and some urban districts. The report includes state comparisons and state profiles.
See also the following resources for education statistics: Data.census.gov, Social Explorer, Statistical Abstract of the United States, and Statistical Insight (ProQuest).
Research, publications, and data on the Affordable Care Act, COVID-19, health care coverage & access, Medicaid expansion, Medicare, prescription drugs, state health policy, and more.
Reports and statistics on health costs, health reform, Medicare, private insurance, uninsured, women's health policy, as well as State Health Facts (state profiles and current health data on all fifty states).
Reports and statistics on health topics in the U.S. including disability, expenses and investments, fertility, health insurance coverage, HIV / AIDS, and small area health insurance estimates.
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