To browse possible topics or get inspired by current events, check out these databases:
Coverage of the most important issues of the day, written by experienced journalists, footnoted and professionally fact-checked. Articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, and resources for additional research.
Pro and con articles on important social, political, and economic issues. Reference articles that provide context, magazines, newspapers, primary source documents, government and organizational statistics, and links.
There are several databases that provide access to the scholarly content (peer-reviewed articles, etc.) that you will need for your assignment. Each page provides you with a link to one of the databases and tutorial videos for how to use it. If you have questions, you can always email me or book an appointment! Here are some of the key databases for education research:
Articles, periodicals, yearbooks, series, and supplements on special education, educational tests, adult education, multicultural/ethnic education, teaching methods, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, etc.
Search all ProQuest databases simultaneously. Includes arts, humanities, social sciences, news, and science and technology.
Here are some of the current research topics in K-12 education: