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How to Build a List in Hoover's.

Avention: Build a LIst

  1. Go to Hoover's 
  2. Click Build a List on the lower right of the home page.
  3. Narrow your search by geography, industry, company size, etc. using the options to the left as shown below.
  4. Results must be fewer than 5,000 to download.
  5. Click Run Search.
  6. Click View Results (must be fewer than 1,000) or click Export Results.

Build a List in Avention








Business Journal Book of Lists

All current Vanderbilt students, staff, and faculty now have digital access to the Nashville Business Journal. Use your Vanderbilt e-mail address to register for an individual account. Your account can be used on up to 4 devices. 

The Nashville Business Journal is the premier publisher of business-to-business news in Middle Tennessee. Includes the Book of Lists where you can get an in-depth look at the largest and most influential players defining local economies. 

Our subscription also includes access to The Business Journals for 46 other US cities.  

To access the yearly Book of Lists (which contain lists of the top companies in a variety of industries in a particular geography)

  • Create your personal Business Journal account and login. 
  • Select your desired city from the drop down menu in the upper left of the page
  • Scroll to the middle of the page, to the Digital Edition on the right
  • Click on Book of Lists. This will open the current year Book of Lists for that city. Includes a multitude of top industry leaders for that area.