Circulation and access services are provided at the service desk at the entrance to the library. If you have questions about borrowing, renewing, or requesting library materials, staff can assist you at that service desk, or over the phone at 615-343-8731.
Your student ID is also your library card to check out books and to access other libraries on campus.
To check out a book or other item from Vanderbilt libraries go to the library in which the item is located. Consult individual library listings for borrowing and access policies.
Books that have not been requested by another library patron may be renewed directly through Library Catalog. Log in using your University ID and PIN number. "Your Account" gives you access to your library circulation records, and allows you to renew and request items on-line.
Books recalled by other patrons cannot be renewed.
There is a four-time renewal limit for most materials loaned from any Vanderbilt library. Once an item has been renewed more than four times, it cannot be renewed online. That item will have to be returned or renewed in person at the owning library.
Overdue fines vary depending on the item. See specific circulation & loan policies.
All books are subject to recall after they have been borrowed for 14 days. If you’ve had the item for 14 days or more, you’ll have 7 days to return the item before recall fines begin to accrue. More about recalls.
All books are subject to recall after they have been borrowed for 14 days. Patrons may recall/request materials that are checked out through Library Catalog. You must be logged in to "Your Account" using your University ID and PIN number. If you have questions or problems with requesting materials, staff can assist you at the Service Desk or over the phone at 615-343-8731. The due date on a recalled book is adjusted to 7 days after the recall has been placed.
Patrons may request materials that are at the Vanderbilt Library Annex directly through Library Catalog. You must be logged in to "Your Account" using your University ID and PIN number. If you have questions or problems with requesting materials, staff can assist you at the Circulation Desk or over the phone at 615-343-8731.