Direct link to the newspaper section of ProQuest. Includes Alt-Press Watch, Ethnic NewsWatch, GenderWatch, Latin American Newsstand, Canadian Newsstand Complete, ProQuest Newsstand, ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Times of London, and The Tennessean.
Cover-to-cover reproductions of early American newspapers offers an unprecedented look back into the history of the United States—the story of its people, ideals, commerce, and everyday life. Includes the following collections: African American Newspapers Series 1 & 2, American Religion: Denominational Newspapers, Caribbean Newspapers, Early American Newspapers, Series 1: From Colonies to Nation Early American Newspapers, Series 2: The New Republic, Early American Newspapers: 1690-1789, Early American Newspapers: 1780-1789, and Hispanic American Newspapers.
News and newspaper stories, federal and state court cases, US law reviews and journals, company profiles and directories. Company Dossier; data on public figures.
Access Note: Personal account required for some functionality.
Historical newspapers providing first-hand accounts and coverage of politics, society and events.
Coverage: 1832-1953.
News and newspaper stories, federal and state court cases, US law reviews and journals, company profiles and directories. Company Dossier; data on public figures.
Access Note: Personal account required for some functionality.
Business magazines, trade publications, and newspapers; includes the Wall Street Journal.
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