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APA for Peabody Students

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The Elements of a Citation

Below is the information you will need in order to cite basic sources, such as a book, journal article or Web page.



Levitt Steven D. and Stephen J. Dubner. Freakonomics: a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything. New York : William Morrow, 2005.


Freakonomics: a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything


Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

Place of publication

New York


William Morrow

Copyright/Publication date



Clues that this is a book:  

  • Contains only one title: Freakonomics: a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything
  • Includes a place of publication: New York
  • Includes the name of a publishing company: William Morrow
  • Might or might not include page numbers.


Journal Article (print)

Liu, Jinghua, Miriam F. Cahn, Neil J. Dorans. "An Application of Score Equity Assessment: Invariance of Linkage of New SAT to Old SAT Across Gender Groups." Journal of Educational Measurement 43. 2 (2006): 113-29.

Article Title

An Application of Score Equity Assessment: Invariance of Linkage of New SAT to Old SAT Across Gender Groups


Jinghua Liu, Miriam F. Cahn, and Neil J. Dorans.

Journal Title (title of the journal or magazine in which the article appears

Journal of Educational Measurement

Journal volume and issue

Volume 43 Issue 2

Date of the Article


Page numbers for the article



Clues that this is a print article: 

  • Contains the title of the article, sometimes in quotation marks: "An Application of Score Equity Assessment: Invariance of Linkage of New SAT to Old SAT Across Gender Groups."
  • Contains another title, the title of the journal, newspaper, or magazine in which the article appears, often underlined or in italics: Journal of Educational Measurement
  • Contains a volume and, sometimes, an issue number: 43. 2, or sometimes 43(2)
  • The date is usually only a year


Newspaper article

Bick, Julie. "The Long (and Sometimes Expensive) Road to the SAT." New York Times 28 May 2006, Section 3 p6.

Article Title

The Long (and Sometimes Expensive) Road to the SAT


Julie Bick

Newspaper title

New York Times


May 28, 2006



Edition or Section



Clues that this is a newspaper article: 

  • Like journal articles, it contains the title of the article (often in quotation marks) and the title of the publication
  • Unlike journal articles, the date includes the month and day in addition to the year
  • Some include section numbers: Section 3
  • Some include section numbers as part of the page numbers (e.g. A6, B4)


Article (online)

Popham, W. James. "Branded By a Test." Educational Leadership 63.7 (2006): 86-87. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Apr. 2010.

Article Title

Branded By a Test


James W. Popham

Journal Title (title of the journal or magazine in which the article appears)

Educational Leadership

Journal volume

Volume 63

Journal issue

Issue 7

Page numbers for the article


Database where you found the full-text of the article

Academic Search Premier

Database platform


Date article was accessed

22 April 2010


Clues that this is an online article: 

  • Includes the elements of an article citation, such as two titles, volume/issue numbers, and page numbers
  • Includes the name of the article database in which the article was found: Academic Search Premier
  • Contains a URL to the article database in which the article was found:
  • Includes a date of access


Web Page

(all of the elements might not be available for each web page) 

Vouchers. 2010. National Education Association. Web. 3 May 2010.


no author listed

Title of web page




Web site host or publisher

National Education Association

Date of copyright or date page was updated


Date page was accessed

May 3, 2010


Clues that this is a web page: 

  • Often does not have individual authors
  • Includes a URL to the site
  • Does not include the name of a library or library database
  • Includes a date of access


(Adapted with permission from the Utah State University Libraries, 2011)