The library databases listed below contain scholarly literature in specific subject areas. Read each description to determine which databases would be good to use for your research. You will likely not need to use all of them.
Covers most business areas: management, marketing, economics, finance, accounting, & international business. Includes company reports, SWOT analyses, working papers, country reports, industry reports, case studies, etc.
Articles, periodicals, yearbooks, series, and supplements on special education, educational tests, adult education, multicultural/ethnic education, teaching methods, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, etc.
Scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, books, and case studies from different areas of business, economics, education, engineering, health care, library science, organizational studies, sociology, and more.
Scholarly journals, newspapers, dissertations, and business information. Includes: ABI/INFORM Complete, Accounting & Tax, Banking Information Source, Canadian Newsstand Complete, CBCA Complete, Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch, Pharmaceutical News Index, Asian Business & Reference, Biology Journals, Career and Technical Education, Computing, Criminal Justice, Education Journals, European Business, Family Health, Health & Medical Complete, Health Management, Military Collection, Newsstand, Nursing & Allied Health Source, Psychology Journals, Religion, Research Library, Science Journals, Social Science Journals, Telecommunications, Snapshots.
Citation database from journals and international conference proceedings. Cross-search of the Web of Science Core Collection, BIOSIS Previews, and the SciELO Citation Index (Latin America, Spain, Portugal, the Caribbean and South Africa).
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Click library links on the left hand menu. in the search box, search for Vanderbilt and select: “Vanderbilt University Library – Findit@VU” (with uppercase F), Click Save.
Gray literature is research produced by organizations or agencies and made available outside of the normal publishing channels such as in scholarly journals. Many times, it is possible to find this information on the organizational web sites or through Google searching.
Below are several organizations or agencies that have gray literature available.