Need help using the databases, contact the Music Librarian, Mrs. Kate Linton for research assistance.
Use your keywords and search terms to locate journal articles our journal databases. You also have the option to use the library catalog search to search for journal articles by filtering to "articles."
Check out the Library Search which finds print and electronic items, including journal and newspaper articles, book chapters, books, reviews, legal documents, and much more. Note: Due to licensing restrictions, some content is only available to current students, faculty, and staff.
Indexing and abstracts for music periodicals; includes including music education, performance, ethnomusicology, musical theatre, theory, popular music forms and composition.
Scholarly journals, newspapers, dissertations, and business information. Includes: ABI/INFORM Complete, Accounting & Tax, Banking Information Source, Canadian Newsstand Complete, CBCA Complete, Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch, Pharmaceutical News Index, Asian Business & Reference, Biology Journals, Career and Technical Education, Computing, Criminal Justice, Education Journals, European Business, Family Health, Health & Medical Complete, Health Management, Military Collection, Newsstand, Nursing & Allied Health Source, Psychology Journals, Religion, Research Library, Science Journals, Social Science Journals, Telecommunications, Snapshots.