CMST 2950 — Rhetoric of Mass Media — Kim

Interlibrary Loan & Materials Beyond Vandy

Use interlibrary loan to borrow books or obtain copies of journal articles that the Vanderbilt University Libraries do not own. 

You may login to your online account for request forms. Many of the databases and catalogs provided by the Library include an ILL request feature--you may need to display the full item record before you see the "ILL" or "Interlibrary Loan" option. Please make a separate ILL request for each book title, journal article, or other item that you want.

How long does it take to receive materials requested?

Books: 8 to 14 days. Articles: 8 to 10 days. These are normally the longest wait times. Turnaround time for interlibrary loans varies widely, depending on the speed of the lending library, whether the first library asked can fill the request, and other factors. Requests may be filled in as little as three days.


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Brenna Bierman
Central Library - 800FH