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MHS 3045 - Epidemics and Society

Finding Sources

Keyword vs. Subject Searching

Step 1:  Start your search process by brainstorming a list of keywords that describe the main concepts of your topic or question.

Step 2:  Use these keywords for your initial searches.

Step 3:  Use the Subject Heading links in the Library Catalog record to refine your search.

Step 4:  Filter results (left hand side) to Online 

1.  Use quotes around phrases

2.  Use the "Quick Filters" if you want just books, articles, etc.

3.  If you need peer reviewed sources, apply that filter

4.  Use "Format" for other types of sources such as newspaper articles, book chapters, etc.

5.  Use the date limiter

A complete list of limiters can be found on the left hand side of the screen below "Refine your results".


Shot of ibrary search tool interface