CRESP Research Guide

A collection of useful resources for CRESP researchers.

Author and Article Impact

Web of Science
A multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the sciences, social sciences and arts. Create personal account to generate citation reports by author and create citation maps for articles.

Google Scholar Citations

Track citations to your publications. Determine which authors are citing to your publications. Graph your citations over time.
Note: You must register for a Google account using an academic email account. Authors of scholarly articles should claim their Google Scholar page to verify that your publications listings are accurate and complete. You can also create an author profile by following the instructions on the Google Scholar Citation page.

Publish or Perish
A free author and journal impact metrics software program developed by Anne Wil Harzing that retrieves and analyzes citations to articles and books. The software uses Google Scholar to obtain the raw citations. The tool can be used to locate most cited articles and books by searching in general citations field.


Register for an ORCID ID. An ORCID is a unique id number that distinguishes you from every other researcher. This id is essential if you have a common last and first name as it distinguishes you from other scholars. The id can be integrated into the research workflow such as manuscript and grant submissions and it supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities.