BUSA 3105: Negotiation

Walker Management Library

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Walker Management *Library
Walker Management Library
Owen Graduate School of Management
401 21st. Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203

Negotiation Books

Negotiation Writing and Presentation Library Resources

Your negotiation writing and presentation assignment requires you to present an analysis of a real negotiation of the past or present. We recommend using the following library databases and resources to gather high quality resources to support your deliverable. Remember that there will be more information available if at least one of the companies involved in the negotiation is a publicly traded company. 

Additional Negotiation Search Strategies

Details of negotiations may be difficult to find, especially if one or multiple companies involved are private. This is due to the confidentiality involved. After using the library databases listed above, use the following resources & strategies to expand your research: 

  • Local media often reports on developments within businesses in their region, as it may effect the local economy and residents. Identify local media for the companies involved in the negotiation, then search their archives for reporting on your negotiation.
  • Using Google Advanced Search: 
    • enter both company names in the "all these words" box then in the "any of these words" box enter negotiation negotiations negotiate 
    • enter both company names in the "all these words" box, hit search, then on the results page click on tools in the upper right, then on any time in the upper left, then click on custom range and enter a time frame that encompasses the dates around the negotiation
    • in your research, you will probably come across the names of executives in either/both/all companies involved in the negotiation. Search for their names and their company name to see if there are any interviews with them that might give greater detail to the negotiation.

The Importance of Citing

Increase your credibility and the strength of your business proposals and ideas by citing other sources and industry experts. There are standard formats for citing sources that enable others to find the information that you are referencing.

How will using this information help me?

  • Will give you visual examples of properly cited PowerPoint slides
  • Will show you examples of citation formats for your bibliography
  • Will link to more in-depth Citation Formats.

Why do I need to cite information sources?

  • To give more credibility to the information you present by referencing expert opinions, ideas, and facts
  • To allow your reader to look for more in-depth information on your presentation
  • To avoid plagiarism and U.S. Copyright Law violation by giving credit to the work of others
  • To uphold the Vanderbilt University Undergraduate Honor Code.

Librarian Support

After going through the library resources listed above (as well as using the Google search strategies) you may need additional research assistance. Please use the blue "email me" button to the left to email the business librarians directly.

Additional Business Resources for the Undergraduate Business Minor