The primary collection of economic & social development indicators for over 200 countries from 1960 to present; Updated quarterly. Includes national, regional and global estimates. *Good resource for social data.*
Portal to global statistical data on consumer goods, industry, retail & trade, sports & recreation, technology, travel & tourism, and more. Includes reports, market insights, forecasts & surveys, and company insights.
Statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the U.S. including statistics on all levels of education, educational attainment, health and nutrition, income, poverty, wealth, labor, employment, earnings, population, and more. Includes international statistics and Puerto Rico and the Island Areas. *This database covers mostly 1970 to present and supersedes the U.S. government version, issued annually from 1878 to 2012 and available at:*
Access Note: If prompted to select an account, select Vanderbilt University.
• US Federal statistical publications (a.k.a. American Statistics Index or ASI) - coverage from 1973; full text from 2004.
• State government and business statistical reports (a.k.a Statistical Reference Index or SRI) - coverage from 1980, full-text from 2007.
• International statistical publications (a.k.a. Index to International Statistics or IIS) - includes UN, OECD, and EU; coverage from 1980; full text from 2007.
This portal combines 34 databases and covers agriculture, employment, education, energy, environment, health, human development, industry, population, refugees, trade, tourism, and more. *Includes access to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Database.*
•The Decennial Census - survey of population and housing
•The Economic Census - survey of almost all business activity in industries and communities at the national, state, county, and metropolitan levels conducted every 5 years ending in 2 and 7
•The American Community Survey - annual survey of three million households
Statistics from 1995 to present covering American education from prekindergarten through graduate school. Includes teacher-pupil ratio, teacher salaries, computers & technology, outcomes of education (occupation, earnings, etc.), education characteristics of the labor force, international comparisons, and federal programs for education.
Historical statistics on the social, political, and economic aspects of the United States, including population, work and welfare, economic structure and performance, economic sectors, and governance and international relations. Includes census data. Users can create custom tables and merge columns from multiple tables to create custom tables, which can also be downloaded, printed, or graphed.
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Statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the U.S. including statistics on all levels of education, educational attainment, health and nutrition, income, poverty, wealth, labor, employment, earnings, population, and more. *This database covers mostly 1970 to present and supersedes the U.S. government version, issued annually from 1878 to 2012 and available at:*
Access Note: If prompted to select an account, select Vanderbilt University.
• US Federal statistical publications (a.k.a. American Statistics Index or ASI) - coverage from 1973; full text from 2004.
• State government and business statistical reports (a.k.a Statistical Reference Index or SRI) - coverage from 1980, full-text from 2007.
• International statistical publications (a.k.a. Index to International Statistics or IIS) - includes UN, OECD, and EU; coverage from 1980; full text from 2007.
The primary collection of economic & social development indicators by the World Bank. Provides data on school enrollment, education expenditure, pupil - teacher ratio, education level of labor force, number of teachers, education level of unemployed persons, and more. Updated quarterly.
Data on enrollment rates, expenditures, literacy, repetition, completion rates, teachers, and more. Also includes learning outcome data from PISA and other international and regional learning assessments.
Data on economically active population since 1945, and data on un/employment, hours of work, wages, labor cost, consumer prices, occupational injuries occupational accidents, and strikes & lockouts since 1969.
Social statistics on population, labor, education, health, housing and basic services, poverty and income distribution, and gender and economic statistics on economic growth, national accounts, prices, balance of payments, external financing and debt, external trade, production of goods, and other subjects.
*Online access: 1973 - present; Older statistics available in print from v.1 (1964) to 1998 in Central Stacks, HA755 .A68*
Access to: International Financial Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOP), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), and Government Finance Statistics (GFS). *Historical data for IFS, BOP, and DOTS are available from 1948 [monthly and quarterly for DOTS from 1960], and for GFS from 1972.*
Coverage: Historical data for BOP, DOT, and IFS are available from 1948, and for GFS from 1972.
[formerly: Global Development Finance]
"Focuses on financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for developing and advanced economies." Includes forecasts.
Social statistics on population, labor, education, health, housing and basic services, poverty and income distribution, and gender and economic statistics on economic growth, national accounts, prices, balance of payments, external financing and debt, external trade, production of goods, and other subjects.
*Online access: 1973 - present; Older statistics available in print from v.1 (1964) to 1998 in Central Stacks, HA755 .A68*
"Free access to detailed global trade data. UN Comtrade is a repository of official international trade statistics and relevant analytical tables. All data is accessible through API."
Social statistics on population, labor, education, health, housing and basic services, poverty and income distribution, and gender and economic statistics on economic growth, national accounts, prices, balance of payments, external financing and debt, external trade, production of goods, and other subjects.
*Online access: 1973 - present; Older statistics available in print from v.1 (1964) to 1998 in Central Stacks, HA755 .A68*
Primary source documents about Latin America and the Caribbean. Covers business & economics (foreign debt, foreign investment, railroads, iron & steel industry, petroleum industry, trade, and more), politics, religion, culture, international affairs, the environment, science & technology. Useful visual downloadable tables on comparative country data including agriculture and livestock, commodities and production, demography, education, and infrastructure.
Data on economically active population since 1945, and data on un/employment, hours of work, wages, labor cost, consumer prices, occupational injuries occupational accidents, and strikes & lockouts since 1969.
Social statistics on population, labor, education, health, housing and basic services, poverty and income distribution, and gender and economic statistics on economic growth, national accounts, prices, balance of payments, external financing and debt, external trade, production of goods, and other subjects.
*Online access: 1973 - present; Older statistics available in print from v.1 (1964) to 1998 in Central Stacks, HA755 .A68*
Indicators on key gender topics including demographics, education, health, labor force, political participation, and proportion of women subjected to physical or sexual violence by intimate or non-intimate partner.
"Poverty indicators include the poverty headcount ratio, poverty gap, and number of poor at international & national poverty lines. Inequality indicators include the Gini index and income or consumption distributions. Includes national, regional and global estimates.
Social statistics on population, labor, education, health, housing and basic services, poverty and income distribution, and gender and economic statistics on economic growth, national accounts, prices, balance of payments, external financing and debt, external trade, production of goods, and other subjects.
*Online access: 1973 - present; Older statistics available in print from v.1 (1964) to 1998 in Central Stacks, HA755 .A68*
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