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HIST 1582W - Witchcraft, Supernatural, Print in Early Modern England, 1558-1650 - Mccarthy: Videos

Library research guide to support HIST 1582W - Witchcraft, Supernatural, Print in Early Modern England, 1558-1650.


Chancery Papermaking (12 mins)

Chancery Papermaking 2016 - 2000 Sheets in One Day (7 min)

Hayle Mill

Paper Making at Hayle Mill, England in 1976 (13 min)

Early Printing Animation

Atlas of Early Printing animation (1 min)

Colonial Williamsburg press demonstration (1 min

Demonstration on the only working model of a Gutenberg printing press--Crandall Historical Printing Museum.

Create an Old Book (4 min)

Making Manuscripts, Getty Museum (6 min)
An illuminated manuscript is a book written and decorated completely by hand. Illuminated manuscripts were among the most precious objects produced in the Middle Ages and the early Renaissance, primarily in monasteries and courts. Society's rulers--emperors, kings, dukes, cardinals, and bishops--commissioned the most splendid manuscripts.

Structure of a Medieval Manuscript - Getty Museum (2 min)