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ANTH 2150-01 - Urban Ecology - McKinson: Before You Visit

Special Collections resource guide for Dr. Kimberley McKinson's Urban Ecology course.

What to Know Before You Visit

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM -5:00 PM.

About appointments:

  • For the security of our collections, the number of researchers allowed in the reading room will be limited.
  • We follow University protocol to enhance the safety of our spaces.  Face masks are optional.
  • Appointments will be scheduled in two-hour research blocks. You may book up to two sessions per day.
  • Please allow 48-72 hours’ notice when making appointments. Many of our materials are shelved offsite and require sufficient time for safe retrieval and access. If you need an exception, contact
  • We are unable to offer on-site photocopying services. You may use your cell phone or a digital camera to take photos (without flash) of materials.

How to make an appointment

  • Create an account on our registration form.
  • Email us at to start the conversation about your research needs. Let us know your research topic, what items interest you, and/or if you need help identifying materials. Please tell us if you expect to require multiple visits so we can discuss your options.
  • Do not travel to the library until you’ve received an email confirming your appointment and requests.

On the day of your appointment

  • Please wash and dry your hands thoroughly before entering the reading room. Hand sanitizer will be available, but hands must be completely dry before touching any materials.
  • Visitors will enter through the terrace doors.
  • Researchers will need to present a valid photo ID or Vanderbilt ID.
  • You may bring the following with you into the reading room:
    • Laptop (without bag or sleeve)
    • Cell phone (set to vibrate or silent)
    • Camera
    • Pencils
    • Loose leaf paper