All students enrolled in the Blair Academy are eligible for a library card with borrowing privileges. Students can borrow books, scores, and audiovisual materials for 28 days. These privileges are limited to the Wilson Music Library only. Complete the registration form to get your library card.
Families are welcome to use the Wilson Music Library during lessons or ensemble rehearsals. Since Vanderbilt University is an institution of higher education, minor children should be accompanied by parents while using the library. Since access to the Blair building is limited by I.D. card, please call the Wilson Music Library's service desk at (615) 517-0324 if you need to be let inside.
We do our best to create a welcoming environment for all who use the Wilson Music Library. We ask that users be respectful of one another. Many undergraduate students and faculty use this library for study and research, so unruly behavior (i.e., yelling, running, etc.) will not be tolerated. Parents and legal guardians of minors are responsible for supervising the behavior of their children. If an issue arises with a Blair Academy student's behavior, we will notify Mary Biddlecombe, Director of the Blair Academy at Vanderbilt program.
The Wilson Music Library does not control information available over the Internet, and it is not responsible for its content. Users should be aware that Internet sites may contain offensive or controversial material. Parents or legal guardians of minors are responsible for monitoring the library activities of their children. Users of workstations are in a public building, and they are expected to show consideration for others.
Because the Music Library has a limited number of computer stations, priority is given for academic uses (i.e., writing papers, using library databases, etc.). If other users are waiting for a workstation, you may be asked to give up your computer if you are engaged in non-academic computing (i.e., using Facebook, checking e-mail).
All users must abide by the terms of the Heard Libraries Use of Public Computers Policy.
Non-alcoholic drinks in spill-proof containers or sports bottles are permitted. Packaged or wrapped snack foods are permitted at study carrels but not near electronic equipment or computer workstations. Hot meals or messy, aromatic food (e.g., hoagies, pizza, salads, soup) are not permitted in the library. If you enter the Music Library with these types of foods, you will be asked to use the seminar room (pending availability) or exit the library. Food and drink pose a potential risk to library collections, equipment, and furnishings. We ask that you act responsibly when consuming food and drink in the library. Please deposit your garbage in the trash cans and clean up after yourself.