The library provides access to many resources that you can use to build your skills in areas of interest. During our Winter Break 2020, consider tapping into them for the following and many more. We have something for everyone!
Join us via Zoom as the library holds several workshops between Mod II finals and the beginning of Mod III. Please email the Management Library using the blue "email me" button to the right to RSVP and receive the meeting link.
Stay active and build skills over the winter break. Drop-in to this informal session to learn about resources and programs for enrichment and resume building.
Highlights include: multimedia instructional materials focused on computer programming, technology, and business, Bloomberg Certification, CapitalIQ training program, business writing, access to documentary films, ebooks and audio books. Tell us what you would like to work on over the break.
In this introductory workshop you will learn about the powerful data visualization software, Tableau. If you have never used a DataViz software and want to see what it is all about, please join us. Learn to quickly create visualizations and use Tableau Public to share your visualizations. We will provide you with data and problem sets to work on and complete over the break.
Stand out from others by being prepared and knowledgeable. In this informal session, learn to quickly find credible and up-to-date information on the company you are interviewing or interning with. Discover information on competitors, data on market trends, consumer behavior, etc
ArcGIS Business Analyst provides location-based intelligence for planning, site selection, and customer segmentation by combining demographic, lifestyle, and spending data with map-based analytics for accurate reports and dynamic presentations.
To prepare for the hands-on workshop, please view the following online ArcGIS training videos: