

  • Annals of the American Association of Geographers: One of the world’s leading geography journals and is the flagship journal of the American Association of Geographers.
  • Antipode: A radical journal of geography that pushes at the boundaries of radical geographical thinking.
  • Geography Compass: An authoritative and accessible geography journal publishing peer-reviewed surveys with a primary focus on human geography. With a wide scope, the journal covers cultural, economic, environmental, historical, political, social and urban aspects of geography, alongside GIS, spatial analysis, and geospatial technologies.
  • Geoforum: Areas of study range from the analysis of the global political economy, through political ecology, national systems of regulation and governance, to urban and regional development, feminist, economic and urban geographies and environmental justice and resources management
  • GeoJournal: International journal devoted to all branches of spatially integrated social sciences and humanities. 
  • Political Geography: Flagship journal of political geography and advances knowledge in all aspects of the geographical and spatial dimensions of politics and the political.
  • Professional Geographer: Publishes short articles of academic or applied geography, emphasizing empirical studies and methodologies. These features may range in content and approach from rigorously analytic to broadly philosophical or prescriptive. 
  • Progress in Human Geography: Peer-review journal of choice for those wanting to know about the state of the art in all areas of research in the field of human geography - philosophical, theoretical, thematic, methodological or empirical.