Research guides can help the foreign legal researcher:
Some guides provide narrative descriptions of content, while others are merely lists of hyperlinks. When consulting research guides:
Note that some guides will contain links to subscription resources available at the author's institution. Hyperlinks to that content as hosted by another institution are of limited value to you as a VU patron, but if an item is of interest, look to the Vanderbilt library catalog or our list of databases to determine whether we may hold it.
You may also locate legal research guides for a specific jurisdiction or region from a university or other research library. Even though the links to the books and databases provided therein may be to resources available for that institution's patrons, you may find that you can find that the books are available at Vanderbilt Libraries. Items not available at Vanderbilt may be available for lending from other research libraries via Interlibrary Loan. Subscription databases cited may likewise be available at VU.
Below are links to a few examples of research guides from reputable institutions. When searching the web for legal research guides discussing a particular jurisdiction, you are likely to find similar guides.