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Practical Ministry Recent Acquisitions: RPC Journals

The Practical Ministry project is an intentional effort to build out and highlight resources on a variety of parish, community, or global ministry topics that have been purchased or published in the past few years. Every two months, displays in the Study

RPC Area Journals

Culture and Religion   [Library Catalog access]

Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies   [Library Catalog access]

Family Process   [Library Catalog access]

International Journal of Practical Theology    [Library Catalog access]

INTAMS Review: Journal for the Study of Marriage and Spirituality   [Library Catalog access]

International Journal of Psychoanalysis    [Library Catalog access]

Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association    [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies   [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion   [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy   [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Pastoral Care   [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Pastoral Theology  [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Psychology and Theology   [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Religion   [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Religion and Health   [Library Catalog access]

Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion    [Library Catalog access]

Journal of Spirituality and Mental Health/American Journal of Pastoral Care [Library Catalog access]

Pastoral Psychology    [Library Catalog access]

Reflective Practice: Formation and Supervision in Ministry     [Library Catalog access]

Religion and Gender  [Open access through 2016]

Sacred Spaces: The E-Journal of the AAPC

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society    [Library Catalog access]

Theology and Sexuality    [Library Catalog access]

Women and Therapy: A Feminist Quarterly    [Library Catalog access]

Missing Something?

To recommend a relevant journal that you do not see here, please contact:

Laine Walters Young, Bibliographer for Religion, Psychology, Culture

Jill Brown, Librarian, Divinity Library