Documents on Spain and its colonies in Spanish archives, including the Archivo General de Indias, the Archivo General de Simancas, and other historical archives. Includes images of the Spanish Civil War (Archivo rojo).
Contains Documents and Reports from the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Includes committee reports related to bills and other matters, presidential communications to Congress, maps, treaty materials, as well as some non-governmental publications. During for much of the 19th century, especially in the pre-Civil War era, the Serial Set includes materials originating not only from the U.S. Congress but also key Executive Department publications.
Catalog of books, manuscripts, websites, internet resources, maps, computer programs, musical scores, films, slides, newspapers, journals, magazines, sound recordings, articles, chapters, papers, and videotapes available at libraries worldwide. Cross-search OCLC databases: ArchiveGrid, ArticleFirst, Ebooks, ECO, ERIC, GPO, MEDLINE, OAIster, PapersFirst, ProceedingsFirst, WorldCat, and WorldCatDissertations.
Digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences with an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research. Collections from museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates. Access Note: To download images or use other advanced features, individuals must register for an individual user account.