For some of your projects, you may need to support your claims with data. The resources linked below are some of the best sources for U.S. and International education data.
Provides comprehensive annual economic indicators and forecasts, with some quarterly and monthly. Broad range of more than 275 variables for over 100 countries and 40 regional aggregates.
ED Data Express is a Web site designed to improve the public's ability to access and explore high-value state-level education data collected by the U.S. Department of Education.
Among the types of data collected and used are: student characteristics, enrollments and graduation rates; academic programs; finance and student assistance; and economic, workforce and demographic data.
United States Education Dashboard shows what the U.S. Department of Education considers to be important indicators of how the nation, and each state, is progressing on the outcomes necessary to achieve the national goal of once again having the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.
The WebCASPAR database provides easy access to a large body of statistical data resources for science and engineering (S&E) at U.S. academic institutions. WebCASPAR emphasizes S&E, but its data resources also provide information on non-S&E fields and higher education in general.
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