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Gender & Sexuality Studies Resources

Getting Fulltext Online

What is Find it at VU button ?

FindIt@VU provides direct links from a database citation to the full text of the article (if available) and other supporting resources.

An FAQ for FindIt@VU is also available.

Finding more articles

Women's & Gender studies is an interdisciplinary field, with researchers from the sciences, social sciences, and humanities contributing to the field. 

Therefore you could potentially find information on Women's & Gender studies in any article database/search engine.

For example if you are interested in health issues, you would want to use a health/medical database such as PubMed. If you were studying Women's & Gender studies issues across cultures you would probably want to search an Anthropology database such as Anthrosource.

Librarians at Vanderbilt have designated key databases for a variety of fields of study. To get started, go to Find articles & databases and choose the subject that is closest to the area of your research topic.