Public Health / Global Health: Data and Statistics
This research guide will provide information resources, licensed and freely available, related to Public Health in the State of Tennessee, the United States, and abroad.
Written by renowned epidemiologists and public health experts, this unique text provides complete, concise coverage of epidemiology, biostatistics, preventive medicine, and public health in clear, easy-to-understand terms.
Modern Methods for Epidemiology provides a concise introduction to recent development in statistical methodologies for epidemiological and biomedical researchers.
This innovative textbook brings together modern concepts in mathematical epidemiology, computational modeling, physics-based simulation, data science, and machine learning to understand one of the most significant problems of our current time, the outbreak dynamics and outbreak control of COVID-19.
An annual report on trends in health statistics including leading causes of death, national health expenditures, and selected notifiable disease rates.
Allows users to track thousands of statistics, including health data, as they are released from a compilation provided by sources such as the UN and OECD.
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