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HIST 3000W - The History Workshop: Slavery, Citizenship, and Memory

Primary Sources

CRL collections are diverse and highly developed, including:

  • Largest collection of circulating newspapers in North America.

~ 6,500 international newspapers, many dating to the 1700s
~ 4,500 U.S. newspapers, many dating to the colonial era
~ 2,000 U.S. ethnic titles

  • Approx. 5,000 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp newspapers and newsletters.
  • More than 38,000 foreign journals rarely held in U.S. libraries.
  • More than 800,000 dissertations—mostly from European institutions.
  • Area Studies ~ Major microform and paper collections from Africa, Latin America, Middle East, Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, and many other areas.
  • In-depth holdings that support research in history of science, economics, law and government, immigration and population studies, international diplomacy, cultural studies, and more.

Search their catalog today!