AI for Teaching & Research: Welcome

This guide provides resources on AI tools to advance teaching and research. This guide is not all encompassing and is meant to serve as a living document; more resources and tools will be added over time.

There are a number of campus partners that are actively working in the area of AI, notably the Data Science Institute and the Center for Teaching. Watch these spaces for trainings and resources. 

To learn more about library services and resources, and to talk about how you might integrate AI tools and AI literacy into your teaching and learning, we encourage you to reach out to your subject librarian or our team in the Digital Lab.

Looking for help? Contact your subject librarian!

Digital Lab

The Vanderbilt Libraries' Digital Lab advances the creation, development, and sustainability of faculty and student-driven digital projects while identifying opportunities to establish infrastructure, scale engagement, and introduce lifecycle and project management. Contact the Digital Lab for training and workshops on digital tools, and to find out how they can consult with you to get your project off the ground.