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MUSL 3238 - Global Jazz - Fry: Primary Sources

What Is a Primary Source?

A primary source is a first-hand account of an event written or recorded at the time that the event took place. Examples include newspaper/periodical articles, diaries, scrapbooks, speeches, photographs, and recordings. The Gillespie Scrapbooks are primary sources, but there are other library resources that include primary sources.

Newspaper Articles:

The following databases provide full-text articles from the time period of the Gillespie State Department Tour. When searching, consider the following:

  • Keyword Selection: Dizzy Gillespie is an obvious search term, but you could also include the names of cities/countries, other band personnel, and the U.S. State Department.
  • Dates: Narrowing the dates to 1955-1957 ensures that you are locating primary source accounts of the tour.