ANTH 2229W - Contested Ground: Sacred Sites Across the Ancient World - Young

Books, Articles and More!

Vanderbilt University Library Search

Selecting the best search scope for your research needs:

Everything vs. Library Catalog vs. Articles

Search Scope What is included? When should I use it?
  • Broadest search scope
  • Results will include books and ebooks, articles, and media like DVDs
  • A great option when you are just beginning your research process.
  • Use Everything when you want to survey the research landscape for your topic
Library Catalog
  • Focuses on VU owned items, physical and digital
  • Results will include books and ebooks, and media like DVDs
  • Digital collections like the TV News Archive will also be included in your results
  • You have defined your information needs
  • Use Library Catalog when you are ready to create a tailored search for your topic
  • Content from selected VU databases
  • Popular and scholarly articles
  • Use Articles to find popular and scholarly articles on your topic.
  • The Articles scope does not search across all databases accessible to the Vanderbilt community.
  • Not finding the articles you need or want more database options?

For a more detailed explanation of your search scope options consult What am I searching?


Keyword vs. Subject Searching

Step 1:  Start your search process by brainstorming a list of keywords that describe the main concepts of your topic or question.

Step 2:  Use these keywords for your initial searches.

Step 3:  Use the Subject Heading links in the Library Catalog record to refine your search.

Catalog record of book Contested sites in Jerusalem with subject headings highlighted

A Selection of Useful Subject Headings

Try a SUBJECT search using one of the Library of Congress Subject Headings listed below:


Religious architecture Sacred space
Architecture and religion Shrines
Church architecture Temples
Islamic architecture Mosques
HIndu architecture Synagogues


The following databases will help you find articles on your topic:

General & Legal Databases

Databases for Art & Architecture

Databases for Archaeology

 What is  ?

FindIt@VU provides direct links from a database citation to the fulltext of the article (if available) and other supporting resources.

Example 1:  Book

To search for books use the library catalog, either Library Search.  You can search by author or title. Some books will also be published as part of a series.  The series title is also a searchable field though searching by author or title are still going to be your best bet.

Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman

2015  China's Early Mosques. Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

Example 2:  Journal Article

Use the Journals Search to see if we have a subscription to the journal. Search by the journal name.  Once you access the journal, either online or in print, you'll be able to navigate to your specific article. 

**The Everything and Articles search scopes will return individual articles in a search, however, it is not searching all of our subscriptions, so searching by the journal title is the safer bet.

Connelly, Joan B.

1996  Parthenon and Parthenoi: A Mythological Interpretation of the Parthenon Frieze. American Journal of Archaeology 100(1): 53-80.

Example 3:  Chapter from an edited Volume

The Library Search is definitely your friend.  When searching for a chapter in an edited volume, remember you must search by the title of the work that contains the chapter or the editors of the work.

Plog, Stephen.

2012  Ritual and Cosmology in the Chaco Era. In Religious Transformations in the Late Pre-Historic Pueblo World, edited by Donna M. Glowacki and Scott van Keuren, pp. 50-65. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.