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Chaplain Residency: Finding Articles, Books, & Journals

Finding Full Text of Articles in the Library Catalog

Go the the Eskind Homepage use the main search and go to the Advanced Search screen.

To find the full text of articles, choose Articles and choose Title from the dropdown menu, the results will show up below the search fields. You will need to log in using VU Net ID and Password when prompted. 



Finding Books in the Library Catalog

Library Catalog is the online catalog of the Vanderbilt Libraries. By logging into your Library Catalog account, you can also renew materials, see the status of checked-out and recalled items, and see any late fees you have accrued.

Go to the Library Catalog and search by title, author, keyword, or subject, changing the format to books. 


Search our Journals

Looking for a specific journal? Use our Journal Search to find both print and electronic titles.

screenshot of journal search bar on website


Document Delivery (DDS) 

If you are unable to find access to a specific article, consider submitting an DDS request. There is no charge to VU/VUMC users for this service.

Do you have a Research Question or PICO question and now you need to find articles/studies to answer it? If so this presentation goes over the Literature Review process. 

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