ARTS - 1505: Graphic Design

What's This Number?

Need help making sense of the Call # you found in Library Catalog?  or where to find the book in the library? 



Browsing for Books-Print

Another option is to browse the STACKS for books.  The following call # areas might be of interest for this class.

 Art Books-Regular and Oversize books are located on the 8th floor of the Central Library.

Photography Books, mainly TR are located on the 3rd floor of the Central Library.

Visual Arts (General)  N
Architecture  NA
Sculpture  NB
Drawing/Graphics  NC
Painting  ND
Prints/Engravings  NE 
Decorative Arts  NK
Arts in general  NX
Photography  TR

Books, Articles and More!

Library Search


Keyword vs. Subject Searching

Step 1: Start your search process with a list of keywords that describe the main concepts of your topic or question.
Step 2: Use these keywords for your initial searches.
Step 3: Use the Subject Heading links in the Library Catalog record to refine your search.

*Library book record, note the hyperlinked subjects

The following databases will help you find articles on your topic:

 What is   ?

FindIt@VU provides direct links from a database citation to the fulltext of the article (if available) and other supporting resources.