Scholarly journals on a broad range of subject areas--arts and the humanities, social sciences, science and technology.
Index of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada. Journal articles, book titles, book reviews, and dissertations.
Index of academic historical journals on the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, etc.
News and newspaper stories, federal and state court cases, US law reviews and journals, company profiles and directories. Company Dossier; data on public figures.
Digital humanities and social science scholarly journals from university presses and scholarly societies.
Scholarly journals, newspapers, dissertations, and business information. Includes: ABI/INFORM Complete, Accounting & Tax, Banking Information Source, Canadian Newsstand Complete, CBCA Complete, Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch, Pharmaceutical News Index, Asian Business & Reference, Biology Journals, Career and Technical Education, Computing, Criminal Justice, Education Journals, European Business, Family Health, Health & Medical Complete, Health Management, Military Collection, Newsstand, Nursing & Allied Health Source, Psychology Journals, Religion, Research Library, Science Journals, Social Science Journals, Telecommunications, Snapshots.
Journals, magazines, and newspapers from ethnic and minority presses. National and regional publications: African American, Caribbean, African, Arab, Middle Eastern, Asian/Pacific Islander, European, Eastern European, Hispanic, Jewish, Native People.
Political, economic, social and culturally engaged scholarship. Citations and abstracts (with some full text).
Scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines, and newspapers. It also includes a specialized LGBTQ+ thesaurus containing thousands of terms.
International literature in the social sciences: politics, sociology, social services, anthropology, criminology and education. IBSS, PAIS and Sociological Abstracts. Abstracts, indexing and full text of articles, books, chapters, dissertations, working papers.
• Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA)
• Criminal Justice Database
• Education Database
• International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
• Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
• PAIS Index
• Political Science Database
• PTSDpubs
• Social Science Database
• Social Services Abstracts
• Sociological Abstracts
• Sociology Database
• Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
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