Step 1: Start your search process by brainstorming a list of keywords that describe the main concepts of your topic or question. |
Step 2: Use these keywords for your initial searches. Step 3: Use the Subject Heading links in the Library Catalog record to refine your search. |
Literary guide to significant sources on a variety of subjects. Works as an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia.
Reference sources published by Oxford University Press. Dictionaries, subject reference works, language reference sources and key titles in the Oxford Companion series. Some examples are: the Oxford-Duden German dictionaries, A Dictionary of Psychology, A Dictionary of Zoology, The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms, A Dictionary of Writers and Their Works, Oxford Companion to Western Art, Oxford Companion to U.S.History, Oxford Companion to Music, Oxford Companion to Philosophy, and The Encyclopedia of Popular Music, etc.
Collection of Cambridge titles covering literature, classics, philosophy, religion and cultural studies.
Greek and Latin literature. Epic and lyric poetry, tragedy and comedy, history, travel, philosophy, oratory, medical writers and mathematicians; and Church Fathers who made particular use of pagan culture. Latin, Greek, and English texts.
Includes texts of the six Oxford Bibles, running scholarly annotations, and the Oxford Bible Commentary. Articles drawn from the Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Oxford Companion to the Bible, etc.
Articles and books on Archaeology, Classical Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology. Some content in Business & Management, Economics & Finance, Literature, Psychology, and Religion.
Cambridge Histories covering American, British, economic, regional, and general history, language and linguistics, philosophy, religious studies, theatre studies and performing arts, etc.