African American Newspapers; The Charleston Mercury; Chester & Delaware Federalist; The Christian Recorder; The Civil War Part I. A Newspaper Perspective; The Colored American; Delaware County American; Delaware County Republican; Frederick Douglass Paper; Douglass Monthly; Freedom's Journal; Media Advertiser; The National Era; The New York Herald; The North Star; The Pennsylvania Gazette; The Pennsylvania Genealogical Catalog [collection]; Pennsylvania Newspaper Record; The Pennsylvania Packet; Porcupines Gazette; Provincial Freeman; Richmond Enquirer; The Upland Union; Village Record; Weekly Advocate.
Cover-to-cover reproductions of early American newspapers offers an unprecedented look back into the history of the United States—the story of its people, ideals, commerce, and everyday life. Includes the following collections: African American Newspapers Series 1 & 2, American Religion: Denominational Newspapers, Caribbean Newspapers, Early American Newspapers, Series 1: From Colonies to Nation Early American Newspapers, Series 2: The New Republic, Early American Newspapers: 1690-1789, Early American Newspapers: 1780-1789, and Hispanic American Newspapers.
18th- and 19th-century newspapers from the Caribbean islands.
Coverage: 1718-1876.
London newspapers and pamphlets gathered by antiquarian and printer John Nichols. This collection, sourced from the Bodleian Library, complements the titles and issues found in the 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers database.