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Choose Your Research Own Adventure: Evaluating Sources

Introductory Research Skills

Evaluating Information

Evaluating information both for academic and personal research requires critical thinking skills, as well as patience. Explore this page to learn:

  • How to assess & evaluate sources using the SIFT method of source evaluation.
  • How to critically assess information using a variety of fact-checking techniques.
  • To understand how your own personal biases can play a role in misinformation


FiveKeyQuestions by TL Vanderbilt Libraries

Five Key Questions:

1. Who created the message and what is its purpose?

2. What techniques does it use to attract and hold attention?

3. What lifestyles, values, & point of view does it depict?

4. How might different people interpret this message?

5. What is omitted?


For a more in depth look at the SIFT method of course evaluation view CTRL + F series featuring Mike Caulfield.


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