Check out the Library Search which finds print and electronic items, including journal and newspaper articles, book chapters, books, reviews, legal documents, and much more. Note: Due to licensing restrictions, some content is only available to current students, faculty, and staff.
Search help:
I know how to use Google Scholar, so why would I use a database?
A database often has articles and information that are for a specific subject. Examples include EconLit (Economics), Sociological Abstracts (Sociology), Education Full Text (Education), PsycINFO (Psychology). Plus, databases often have more detailed search interfaces that let you be more precise in your searching. An example is limiting to scholarly, peer reviewed articles.
Google Scholar is a helpful research tool, but it searches many subjects at once. Consider using it along with a subject specific database.
Direct link to the newspaper section of ProQuest. Includes Alt-Press Watch, Ethnic NewsWatch, GenderWatch, Latin American Newsstand, Canadian Newsstand Complete, ProQuest Newsstand, ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Times of London, and The Tennessean.
News and newspaper stories, federal and state court cases, US law reviews and journals, company profiles and directories. Company Dossier; data on public figures.
Access Note: Personal account required for some functionality.