Business Research 101

Business Research 102

Building A Quality Business Research Roadmap

Select the appropriate place to look for the information you need:

  • Determine if you need business articles, company information, financial information or statistical data. This will help you chose the best databases to begin your research.
  • Not all databases are created equally. Some have better coverage of certain subject areas than others.
  • Use the Walker Management Library research guides and Management Library Database A-Z page to begin your research with the most relevant professional business research tools. 

Understand how the database works to get the best results:

  • Is it searching the full-text of all the documents in the database?
  • Is the database a simple or complex search interface? In other words, if it gives you one line to search, keep it as simple as you can. If there is more than one search box or options, look at them to decide the best way to take advantage of them.
  • Can you use features to focus your search in specific areas such as the title or subject?

Choose search terms:

  • Select words and phrases that relate to major concepts of your information needs.
  • Synonyms- how might other people describe this concept? What other words mean essentially the same thing? This matters because the computer will look for precisely the LETTERS/WORDS that you input. If you only type "cell phone" you won't get "mobile phone." Search both like this: "cell phone" OR "mobile phone."
  • Avoid common stop words: They are a, an, the, of, in (unless you use them within a phrase search with quotation marks). Stop words are not searchable because they occur so frequently - unless you place them in quotes exactly as it appears here: "employee of the month".

Use multiple search terms connected with Boolean or Proximity Operators:

  • Boolean or proximity operators create relationships between the words in a search strategy. Most databases have Help or Search Tips which will help you use them to the best advantage. The most common ones used are the words AND, OR and NOT. Below are examples of how they work:
    • AND - used when all terms must be present in the search results. Example: Unemployment AND "free trade"
    • OR - used when either term can be present. Example: "cell phone" OR "mobile phone"
    • NOT - used when you do not want that word to appear. Example: candy NOT chocolate

Truncation and wildcard use:

  • Replace letters at the beginning or end of a word (truncation) or in the middle (wildcard) in order to retrieve different variants of a word. Examples:
    • market* will find market, markets, marketing, marketed, marketer, etc.
    • wom?n will find woman or women
  • Databases use different symbols to represent truncation and wildcards. For truncation, most tend to use an asterisk * but some use dollar signs $ or a question mark ?.

Field Specific Searches: 

  • A field is a part of an information record in the database. Using a field search helps you focus the search results to a specific item such as Journal or Company name.
  • Some sample database searches from Business Source Premier. These examples are models to give you information on how to use a database's special features.
    • Journal Name Search: find articles in Business Week about healthcare.
      • Type Business Week in the first search box; in the right hand box, use the Pull Down menu to choose PUBLICATION NAME
      • In the second line search box, type health*; in the right hand box, use the Pull Down menu to choose SUBJECT
      • Hit search.
    • Company Name Search: Find information about the Home Depot.
      • Type Home Depot in the first search box; in the right hand box, use the Pull Down menu to choose COMPANY ENTITY
      • Hit search. Note the Options inside the double banner on the results page. You can click on these to further limit your search to SWOT, Company Profiles, Industry Reports, Market Research, etc.