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SEAALL 2018: Saturday, April 14

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Saturday, April 14

SEAALL 2018 – Changing Your Tune: Dealing with Disruptions in Law Librarianship

7:00 – 8:30 am Breakfast & Chapter Business Meeting (Sponsored by Thomson Reuters) (Parthenon ABC)
8:30 – 9:30 am Keynote (Sponsored by Thomson Reuters) (Parthenon ABC)
9:40 – 10:25 am
G Programs

A Whirlwind Tour of the Hits and Hyperbole in Legal Research and Workflow Products, Steve Lastres, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP; Jean O'Grady, DLA Piper
This session will celebrate the power of gatekeeping. That gate swings both ways, so information professionals play an important role in "curating" products for their organizations. Two experienced information professionals will offer a fast- paced tour of the best new products and product features, as well as highlight some "head scratchers" and product gaffes. Speakers will highlight 30 to 40 hits and misses in the legal information landscape. (Parthenon D)

Designing Effective Legal Research Rubrics: The Foundation for Successful Assessment, Carol Watson, University of Georgia; Katie Hanschke, North Carolina Central University; Zanada Joyner, North Carolina Central University
Increasingly librarians are teaching many, if not all, of the legal research courses at their law schools. Most librarians are not experts in education assessment design. Assessment with rubrics creates a learner centric environments in which instructors objectively evaluate student progress and assures that students receive consistent and meaningful feedback. Rubrics provide both students and instructors with a clear understanding of whether learning outcomes have been achieved. Guided by the instructors' experience and an in-depth review of the literature law librarians will be exposed to the best practices when creating rubrics including alignment with the course goals and instructor expectations. (Crescent Room)

Building Your Following: The Positive Impact of Library Participation in an Academic Success Program, Michelle T. Murray, Nova Southeastern University; Sara Berman, AccessLex Institute's Center for Legal Education Excellence; Vincenc Feliu, Nova Southeastern University; Becka Rich, Nova Southeastern University
The speakers will share their vision for and the successful result of a partnership between the library and the academic success program to promote academic success resources to students.  This program will walk participants through the marketing tools that were used to launch the initiative, including a library guide that has become a shared virtual space for student outreach.  The collaboration resulted in a marked increase in the use of library resources and requests for assistance from the librarians.  Learn how you can set the stage for an increase in your library following by working with your academic success program. (Parthenon E)
10:25 – 10:55 am Break (Sponsored by Vanderbilt) (Foyer/Exhibit Space)
10:55 – 11:40 am
H Programs

How to Be Agents of Hope and Change: Empowering Discovery, Taking Control, Elizabeth Outler, Barry University; Whitney Curtis, Barry University; Louis Rosen, Barry University
In 2017, Barry Law Library took a new approach to planning activities based on how they contribute to our strategic goals and outcomes tied to ABA Standards. One result from this approach was studying how library services contribute to bar exam success, using techniques correlated with success in earlier studies. Literature about Hope Theory suggests that students who have perceptions of control over their learning achieve better outcomes. Barry librarians incorporated Hope Theory into our Become Smarter workshop series to build their confidence, and we are developing methods to measure how we empower them throughout law school and beyond. (Crescent Room)

Disrupting Word Styles: Using Word Styles for Document Automation in Legal Practice,
Stacey Lane Rowland, University of North Carolina
Technology has changed the practice of law and, increasingly, is creating new job opportunities for enterprising lawyers. Many practitioners, though, do not unlock the true power of Microsoft Word. Instead, we treat it as a text-based word processor. This talk will expose attorneys to working with Word styles and taking advantage of document automation, navigation and assembly.  Learning to work with (rather than against) the way Word is designed makes for less work and frustration in the long run for practicing attorneys. (Parthenon D)

Getting Students into the Right "State" of Mind - Teaching State Specific Legal Research for Information Literacy, Kathleen Klepfer, Florida State University
Joyce Manna Janto, University of Richmond
Legal research classes and workshops often devote valuable class time to listing out specific sources a student is expected to use to do research. This program explores a more "comparative law" approach to teaching legal research, using a variety of jurisdictions, which better suits the goal of information literacy in teaching research. Instead of a laundry list of resources, this approach teaches tactics and strategies for discovering the relevant source. (Parthenon E)


Keynote Speaker

Larry Bridgesmith J.D., is CEO and Co-founder of Legal Alignment and a practicing lawyer in Nashville, Tennessee. He has been listed as one of America’s Best Lawyers, among the Leading Lawyers for American Businesses and SuperLawyer. He is an honorary invited member of the International Academy of Mediators. Larry has practiced in the fields of labor, employment and dispute resolution for over 30 years and served in management roles for boutique and mid-sized law firms throughout his career. He founded Lipscomb University’s Institute for Conflict Management and served as its inaugural Executive Director. He holds a Six Sigma Green Belt certificate in quality control and efficiency management. Larry is an adjunct professor in legal project management, conflict management and mediation at Vanderbilt University School of Law, Belmont University Massey Graduate School of Business, The Nashville School of Law and the Albany Medical School Alden March Institute for Biomedical Ethics. He coordinates the Program on Law and Innovation at Vanderbilt School of Law. In 2013, Larry was awarded the Grayfred Gray Award for Public Service in Mediation by the Coalition for Mediation Awareness in Tennessee. In 2017 he was awarded the President's Award from the Tennessee Bar Association and the Justice Janice Holder Award from the Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services for his work in bringing technology to the practice of law. His work in facilitation and training in organizational change management has taken him across the country and around the world.