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A Basic Guide to ORCID: Home

ORCID: The number that every researcher needs

ORCID = Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier

ORCID iD = a free, unique, persistent, 16-digit identifier (which looks like to distinguish between individuals and serve as a record of research activities and affiliations

ORCID record = like a CV, but rather than a static document, the data within is interoperable with any systems that are ORCID-enabled (e.g., publisher systems, citation indexes and databases, pre-print platforms, researcher profile systems such as SciENcv, and many more)

Scholarly Ecosystem

ORCID workflows are part of the interoperability in the scholarly ecosystem. (Image credit: ORCID, CC BY-NC)

Visit this page to know more about the benefits of ORCID and get started!

ORCID Workshop for Researchers

Upcoming Webinar: August 13, 2024 at noon CST
RegisterEvent Registration

This workshop will cover:

  • An overview of the benefits of ORCID for researchers
  • How ORCID can help you save time throughout the research landscape
  • Tips and tricks for keeping your ORCID record up-to-date

Past webinar recording: August 30, 2023.


Can I use ORCID for free?

Yes, anyone who participates in research, scholarship, or innovation can register an ORCID iD for themselves for free.

Can I use the same iD throughout my career?

Yes, you can use the same iD even if your name changes or you move to a different organization, discipline, or country.

What are the privacy levels?

When you register, only two items are required: your first name and your email address. After registration, you can update your visibility settings for any new information added to your record.

I have a duplicate ORCID account. Can I remove it?

Yes. Please visit this page for instructions.

I forgot which email address my ORCID iD is associated with. What can I do?

Please go to the Forgot password page. Select the “ORCID iD” option, and then enter in any email addresses you may have registered with. You will receive an email with your ORCID identifier. If the email says your email is not associated with an iD, then retry the process above with your other email addresses (both personal and professional). When you have exhausted all other options, please contact ORCID with your full name, your 16-digit ORCID identifier, and any email addresses you may have registered for an account with.

Can I grant Vanderbilt permission to help manage my ORCID records?

Yes, but not yet. At this moment, this system is under construction at Vanderbilt. When it is completed, you can grant ORCID member integrations permission to read trusted data and/or update your record as part of a member workflow. You can also remove previously granted permissions at any time.

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