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Owen Alumni: Library Resource Guide

Researching a Company using Hoovers

Hoover's search result.

  1. Go to the database Hoovers
  2. Search by company name or ticker.
  3. Tip: Look for the PARENT company, and click.
  4. The company landing page gives you a quick corporate overview.
  5. The left side of the page has links to more detailed information including: Competitors, Financial Data, Analyst Reports, SWOT, etc.


Information about a company can range from detailed corporate profiles to late breaking news. Locating information on public companies is easier than locating information on private companies. Larger private company information is easier to find than smaller. The following databases will allow you to download data, such as financial performance, for analysis and manipulation. Some aggregate financial and others provide industry metrics.


Databases are quick places to find competitor lists. Other ways to identify competitors are through articles, market research reports, 10Ks, annual and analyst reports.

Investment & Analyst Reports

Reports that are created by analysts from investment companies containing expert industry & company information.